
DermEngine Integration for Juno EMR


This page explains how to set-up DermEngine to sync patient demography from the Juno EMR software to DermEngine.

While using this software, patients on Juno will be transferred to the DermEngine platform. On DermEngine, images and lesions can be added to each patient.



  1. In Juno, set up a new REST client.  From the Administration Panel, select "Integration", then select "REST Clients"
  2. Add a new client with URI: https://app.dermengine.com/oscar

  3. The Client Key and Client Secret will be created by Juno. 
  4. On DermEngine, the Client Key, Client Secret, and Client Juno URL need to be provided.


Transfer Patients

  1. Log in to DermEngine. If you don't already have an account, visit https://app.dermengine.com/ or download the mobile app. To learn how to create an account click here
  2. From the Patient List, search for a patient by typing their first or last name in the search bar. 

  3. Once the integration is enabled for the account, "Search Juno" will appear as an option in addition to the search results.

  4. After clicking on "Search Juno", you will be redirected to Juno to allow DermEngine to access your account.  Click "Authorize DermEngine"



  5. Once you have successfully logged in and authorized, you will be redirected back to DermEngine.  Select "Search Juno" again.

  6. A list of searched patients from Juno will be returned with the Status "On Juno".
    Select either the "Download" icon or the Status text "On Juno" to add the patient to DermEngine. 

  7. After the patient has been added, the patient file will be opened on DermEngine and the patient will be available on the DermEngine web platform and mobile app.

  8. After the session expires, log out from Juno to refresh the session and repeat the steps.



What patient information is sent to DermEngine?

The list of fields transferred is: First name, Last name, Date Of birth, Gender, Health number, Address, City, Postal code, Email