Utilize DermEngine’s intelligent skin analytics tools to provide advanced, evidence-based care to your patients anytime, anywhere. Offer intuitive eTriage services paired with MoleScope to provide first-class care in dermatology, increase your patient base, and receive a new source of revenue.
Delivered Value
DermEngine is designed to enhance your consultations through providing intelligent feedback, efficient and secure imaging, while enabling effective communications with your patients and comprehensive reports.
How Dermengine Can Help Your Practice And Business
Unlock the full potential of your services by utilizing world-class clinical decision support tools to optimize your practice management, create a seamless workflow, and reach a wider range of patients.
- Clinical Decision Support Tools: Advanced dermatology analytics features like Visual Search designed to assist you every step of the way
- Total Body Photography:Capture and analyze full-body images and evaluate new or changing lesions
- Teledermatology: Provide accessible care to new and existing patients
- Clinic Analytics: Oversee and utilize all of your practice’s valuable data
Combine the strengths of your EMR/EHR systems with the power of DermEngine. Seamlessly integrate or migrate all of your valuable patient data to one convenient location with no installations, IT costs, or maintenance fees.
If your system is not listed please contact us today and we'll provide a solution that fits your practice's unique needs!
Clinic Setup Package
Take advantage of DermEngine’s intelligent dermatology software and clinic package to take your practice to the next level. We offer digital and physical marketing materials designed to support you every step of the way. If you would like to download the full package, please click here.
Contact Us
Would you like to equip your business with the latest technologies to enhance your practice, streamline services and receive an additional source of revenue? Contact us so we can discuss a unique plan that is right for you.