Dr. Bruna Melhoranse walks us through why the DermEngine app is so intuitive


Dr. Bruna Melhoranse provides a quick demonstration of how she uses DermEngine in her everyday practice to capture overview and dermoscopic images of her patients' spots, add them to their personal 3D body map, and document her diagnosis along with any additional notes she may have all directly within the secure app.

"DermEngine is straightforward, it's easy to use...The most interesting thing is that [the patient profile] is like a timeline- if you record the same spot again it will appear after three months and you can document and analyze it. This makes my life much easier."

What is DermEngine?DermEngine Intelligent Dermatology Software

DermEngine is an intelligent dermatology software for the imaging, documentation and analysis of skin conditions including skin cancer. Powered by artificial intelligence, this smart dermatology system helps medical professionals manage their busy workflows with secure cross-platform access so they can focus on their patients - not the process.

Interested in learning more about what DermEngine can do help you provide streamlined, quality skin care services? Download our white paper on intelligent solutions for patient-centric care. 

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