The Benefits Of A Mobile Dermoscope
The dermoscope is an essential tool for dermatology. This article compares the benefits and challenges of a mobile dermoscope in contrast to traditional dermoscopy devices, such as connective abilities to intelligent dermatology software with the goal of understanding the future dermoscopy industry
Total Body Photography: The Latest Tools Part 2
This article discusses the current capabilities of total body photography software alongside its limitations. The work goes on to summarize how intelligent dermatology tools such as DermEngine and a dermoscope can greatly enhance imaging quality and patient outcomes.
MetaOptima at Telus Venture Summit 2018
Today, MetaOptima's CEO, Maryam Sadeghi is attending the Telus Ventures Summit held in Toronto to discuss the latest breakthroughs and innovations for artificial intelligence in dermatology and dermoscopy as well as speak on current applications and cases of AI in healthcare.
Total Body Photography: The Latest Tools Part 1
Total body photography has become an area of growing interest in the world of dermatology. Systems such as DermEngine offer intelligent dermatology tools designed to further streamline imaging processes while optimizing analyses of dermoscopic images.
Top Ways AI Is Revolutionizing Dermatology
Studies suggest that artificial intelligence (AI) has reached the capacity to match or exceed dermatologists in diagnosing skin cancers through examination of dermoscopy images. This article summarizes the latest applications of AI in dermatology while discussing their advantages in dermatology.
MetaOptima: A Ready To Rocket Winner!
We are excited to announce that MetaOptima Technology was listed as a winner of the Ready To Rocket contest in the area of Digital Health for its technologies (MoleScope, our mobile dermoscope and DermEngine, our intelligent dermatology software). Congratulations to all!
The Latest Advancements: Artificial Intelligence in Dermatology
Recently, there has been a considerable amount of hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) in dermatology. This article focuses on examining the accuracy, benefits, and applications of smart algorithms in AI developed by IBM Watson, Stanford University, and MetaOptima.