How Can Smartphones Support Patient Health?
CBC's Dr. Lin has recently recognized MoleScope, our smartphone dermatoscope as being one of these valuable tools in dermatology. Due to the rising rates in smartphone usage, companies are developing tools to support patients in their health, such as for the early detection of skin cancer.
Top Ways AI Is Revolutionizing Dermatology
Studies suggest that artificial intelligence (AI) has reached the capacity to match or exceed dermatologists in diagnosing skin cancers through examination of dermoscopy images. This article summarizes the latest applications of AI in dermatology while discussing their advantages in dermatology.
Mobile Dermoscopy For Effective Patient eTriage
In order to provide quality care while promoting the early detection of skin cancer, patients must be involved in their skin health. In addition to providing patients with educational resources, dermatologists are now able to offer MoleScope- a mobile dermoscope designed for in-home use.
Dermoscopy: Education Through Artificial Intelligence (AI)
A dermoscope is designed to support dermatologists in identifying changes to the skin. Although the majority argue that a dermatoscope is an essential tool, some experts still do not use the device. This article looks to investigate the reasoning behind this while discussing potential solutions.
AAD 2018: Deep Learning Tools For Identifying Skin Cancers
Recently, a study showed that a computer algorithm using deep learning technology outperformed a group of dermatologists in the diagnosis of melanomas using dermoscopy images. These results are an important milestone of how artificial intelligence (AI) is continuing rising to match medical experts.
The Efficacy Of Dermoscopy: Part 2
In part 1 we investigated the accuracy of diagnoses with the use of digital dermoscopes like MoleScope II in contrast to without the use of a device. Part two will provide a more comprehensive look at cost-effectiveness while discussing potential methods for enhancing care in dermatology.
The Efficacy Of Dermoscopy: Part 1
Studies show a majority of dermatologists use a dermoscope, as it is an essential part of their practice. Although generally agreed that a digital dermatoscope valuable for the early detection of skin cancer and other skin conditions, the cost-effectiveness of this device remains widely speculated.