AAD Day Three: iPod Winner Announcement

by The DermEngine Team on Feb 21, 2018

The final day of AAD 2018 was our biggest success yet! Our members were working their hardest to show MoleScope and DermEngine to as many medical professionals as possible. At the end of the day, we drew our lucky iPod Touch winner- read on to find out who it is!

Day Two of AAD 2018

by The DermEngine Team on Feb 19, 2018

The 2nd day of AAD 2018 was very exciting! Our team spent the majority of the day demoing our intelligent dermatology software and advanced dermoscope.

Day One of AAD 2018

by The DermEngine Team on Feb 17, 2018

The first day of AAD 2018 was a huge success! The MetaOptima team was off to a great start, demoing DermEngine and MoleScope to interested distributors, dermatologists, and GPs alike.

Optimizing Your Dermatology Practice

by The DermEngine Team on Feb 1, 2018

To combat the rising rates of skin cancer, medical professionals must be equipped with advanced dermoscopy tools designed to optimize and enhance their practice.