Teledermatology Market: Current Status And Projected Growth
Teledermatology market is expected to grow to USD 8.6 billion by 2024, with North America being the main geographical player worldwide. As modern dermatology software apply new technologies to support this practice, a broader range of patients are able to access life-saving services.
What Are The Consequences Of An Aging Population For Dermatology?
The upcoming decade will mark a drastic change in the primary demographic in need of healthcare; by 2025 ~25% of the population will be over the age of 65. With such large changes already beginning to take effect, how will this alter the dermatology industry?
Streamlined Pathology Workflows For Improved Patient Services In Dermatology
The utilization of modern dermatology software is allowing to optimize practice workflows like that of pathology services. Given the real-time connectivity of these systems, access gained to crucial patient data can increase the precision of procedures for higher diagnosis accuracy.
How Can Dermatology EMR Systems Optimize Patient-Doctor Communication?
Dermatology EMR systems are a crucial tool for data management in modern practices. Although patient data can be efficiently collected, stored and shared, the use of remote connectivity in cloud-based software is the key to effective patient-doctor communication.
Dermatology EMR Software: The Power Of Integration
EMR solutions have penetrated every healthcare sector One challenge remains: the vast majority of these systems cannot transfer data between one another. Known as interoperability, this criteria is proving to be a key factor for experts determining in whether an EMR system will meet their needs.
4 Major Flaws Of Fax Machines In Healthcare
Research shows that healthcare workers can't seem to move past the fax machine. Part 1 of this article summarized the 4 main reasons behind this decision. In part 2, each of these points are examined in greater detail to uncover their negative consequences on the healthcare system and its patients.
What Does Dermatology Owe To Technology?
Technology is driving the many changes that the healthcare field has been witnessing in recent times. Dermatology has seen the implementation of many advancements as much in hardware as in software systems for the improvement of service quality for doctors and patients alike.