White Paper | DermEngine’s AI Algorithms For The Future of Dermatology

by The DermEngine Team on Aug 22, 2019

The potential of AI technology to assist in pigmented skin lesion classification is proving disruptive for the future of intelligent dermatology.

EPIC-DermEngine Integration: The Advantages

by The DermEngine Team on Jul 30, 2019

DermEngine (Intelligent Dermatology Software) now offers integration services with Epic for efficient, streamlined workflows.

Study Overview | How DermEngine’s AI Algorithms Are Shaping The Future of Dermatology

by The DermEngine Team on Jul 12, 2019

The potential of AI technology to assist in pigmented skin lesion classification is proving disruptive for the future of intelligent dermatology.

Top 5 Total Body Photography Breakthroughs Of 2019

by The DermEngine Team on Jun 21, 2019

Total body photography services are continuously evolving. How is artificial intelligence (AI) driving changes we are only beginning to experience?

Moving AI forward in healthcare: intelligent algorithms as professional assistants

by The DermEngine Team on May 3, 2019

Intelligent algorithms can play a role as AI-driven assistants with superior technical capacities to optimize workflows in evidence-based decision making.

How Can AI Quicken Imaging Workflows?

by The DermEngine Team on Apr 11, 2019

Dermatologists are already stretched thin, with 623 specialists serving Canada’s population of over 37 million. How can DermEngine’s artificial intelligence-based tools assist medical professionals quickly and effectively serve high-priority patients in the fight against skin cancer?

DermEngine's AI: Answers To Your Most Frequently Asked Questions

by The DermEngine Team on Apr 5, 2019

DermEngine utilizes the latest innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) to provide its users with cutting-edge technology for imaging, analyzing and documenting. As part of our initiative to provide innovative services, we'd like to take this opportunity to answer your important questions.