Top 6 Reasons To Upgrade To A Mobile Dermoscope

by The DermEngine Team on Jul 26, 2018

Have you made the switch to a mobile dermoscope? Although relatively new, these devices are making big waves in dermoscopy news for their portability and scalability. Discover the top 6 reasons to upgrade to a mobile dermoscope while learning how this will benefit your dermoscopy practice.

What's New in Dermoscopy

by The DermEngine Team on Jul 23, 2018

Recently, dermoscopy has gone through a countless number of changes. Naturally, these evolutions have had a significant impact on the dermatology industry. This article summarizes the most recent advancements in dermoscopy tools while discussing future directions that these innovations may lead.

Educating Your Patients on Total Body Photography

by The DermEngine Team on Jul 19, 2018

When implementing total body photography services it is important your patients understand the importance of the sessions. This ensures they remain engaged in their care plan while promoting the early detection of skin cancer. Learn how to introduce this valuable tool within your dermoscopy practice

7 Key Tech Trends Dominating The Dermatology Industry

by The DermEngine Team on Jul 16, 2018

As the world of digital healthcare continues to evolve how have the latest innovations been adopted within your practice? With changes occurring so quickly they might be hard to identity. Read on to discover seven key shifts in digital healthcare with a focus on the dermatology industry.

The Results Of Artificial Intelligence In Dermatology

by The DermEngine Team on Jul 12, 2018

How will intelligent dermatology tools impact your practice? This article investigates a study which tested the performance of a CNN to aid in melanoma detection against a group of dermatologists along with the potential benefits to the dermoscopy industry and patient outcomes.

MetaOptima: The Drive Behind Our Vision

by The DermEngine Team on Jul 9, 2018

With MetaOptima's recent accomplishments, we wanted to take this opportunity to talk about our vision. Our team works to empower medical experts with intelligent dermoscopy tools for skin cancer early detection and optimized care to support the fight against melanoma.

A Summary Of MetaOptima's Many 2018 Accomplishments

by The DermEngine Team on Jul 6, 2018

Although 2018 is only halfway complete, MetaOptima has already achieved many of its goals. Some of our biggest accomplishments include implementing our intelligent dermatology platform, DermEngine, in Australia and selling out of MoleScopes (mobile dermoscope) at WCD!