Are Dermatology EMRs Passing The Efficacy Test?

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 13, 2018

Dermatology EMRs have brought many positive changes to data management and operative workflows. However, challenges about their ultimate efficacy still remain. Newly developed intelligent software are breaking barriers to achieve expected performance levels.

Is Your EMR Leaving You Enough Time For Your Patients?

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 9, 2018

Time-sensitive diseases like skin cancer and shortage in active dermatologists urge for doctors’ full involvement in patient care. Intelligent dermatology software offers a solution by allowing trained non-medical staff to focus on administrative tasks, leaving patient management to physicians.

Top 5 Statistics Every Dermatologist Should Know About Artificial Intelligence

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 8, 2018

Artificial intelligence in dermatology is being introduced throughout every aspect of the industry, from dermoscopy all the way to predictive analytics. Amidst these astounding advances, which ones are set to have the greatest impact on dermatologists, their practice and their patients?

Mobile Dermoscopy For Active Patient Involvement

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 7, 2018

The use of dermoscopy has signified a great advancement in dermatology. Future directions predict the standard utilization of mobile dermoscopes for patient self-examination as a powerful instrument for skin cancer early detection and higher survival rates.

How Accurate Is Your Patient’s Data?

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 6, 2018

In order to provide accurate, informed care patient medical files must be as up to date as they are accessible. Discover why in spite of the latest advancements to EMR software solutions this fails to be the case along with what healthcare providers are doing to combat this crisis.

AI In Dermatology: Future Implications

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 5, 2018

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing many areas within dermatology practices. New advancements are changing how services are offered, but also posed challenges about implementation and regulation, where the human touch will never be replaced.

How Can Mobile Dermoscopy Support Practice Workflows?

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 2, 2018

Dermoscopy is an integral part of any dermatology practice. The dermoscope represents some of the most innovative solutions introduced to the dermatology industry. Discover the top three ways mobile dermoscopes are shown to streamline dermatology practices for maximized efficiency.