MetaOptima has recently updated its privacy policy! We'd like to take this opportunity to summarize how our company and its software (DermEngine & MoleScope) strictly adhere to all laws set out by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR defines the rights you as a patient have to your personal data. This includes but is not limited to your right to access your information, and knowledge as to whether or not your personal data is being processed. If you have any questions, you are encouraged to email us at
What Is Personal Information?
Personal information is anything that can be considered data relating to yourself or your patients. This includes name, gender, and date of birth, contact information, ethnicity, skin type; skin cancer history; medical reports and skin, hair, scalp and other body surfaces images.
Right to Information Requests
It is important to understand that patients and doctors have certain rights over the personal information entered in our platform:
You have the right to actively use information requests listed above at any time by submitting a written claim to MetaOptima. Claims can be done on, or websites (Subject Access Request Form) and will be responded to within 30 days of initial contact.
Data Request Process
The procedure at MetaOptima to manage your personal data access request follows the four steps below:
Subject Access Request
A third party may act on behalf of the data subject. Examples include an adult acting on behalf of:
Exemptions allow personal data to be disclosed to law enforcement agencies without the consent of the individual who is the subject of the data.
Handling Complaints
Our company strives to investigate all complaints and take appropriate measures in response if a complaint is justified. If you have any concerns, we encourage you to contact us at
-The MetaOptima Team