SaaS: A Successful Model For Dermatology Services

by The DermEngine Team on Sep 27, 2018

Software as a Service (SaaS) has become the operational business model of preference for multiple disciplines. In this article we describe the key features that have made it so successful in healthcare practices, with a focus on dermatology.

The DermEngine Team

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Join Us At SMCDO

by The DermEngine Team on Sep 27, 2018

From September 26th-29th MetaOptima's certified distributor, Inpharamo will be attending the 10th annual conference of the Mexican Society of Dermatological and Ontological Surgery! We look forward to discussing how intelligent dermoscopy tools can support practices around the globe.

Join Us At Vancouver Startup Week!

by The DermEngine Team on Sep 26, 2018

Are you attending Vancouver Startup Week? Come visit us at Vancouver Startup Week today (September 26th) at Science World for an opportunity to chat with seven of our awesome members and learn more about what what our team does here at MetaOptima!

The Benefits Of Store-and-Forward Teledermatology In Your Practice

by The DermEngine Team on Sep 25, 2018

As one of the main approaches to teledermatology, dermoscopic image store-and forward can bring multiple benefits to current challenges in the field. Part 2 of this post covers the different features of this technique and how they help complement traditional dermatology practice.

Use Your Dermatology EMR To Create Connections- Not Strain Them

by The DermEngine Team on Sep 24, 2018

Due to the dermatologist shortage, physicians are often the first point of care for dermatology- related cases. What dermatology EMR software can doctors use to ensure that they provide quality care while preserving the time necessary to focus on other cases within their practice?

What Can Live-Interactive Teledermatology Bring To Daily Practice?

by The DermEngine Team on Sep 21, 2018

Live-interactive and store-and-forward teledermatology, can be a great advantage to provide streamlined service without compromising best dermatology practice. Part 1 of this post focuses on the features and advantages of live-interactive teledermatology in daily practice.

Dermoscopy Imaging? There's An App For That

by The DermEngine Team on Sep 21, 2018

How can a dermatology app support your practice? Discover the top 3 reasons dermatologists are utilizing dermoscopy apps within their practice such as DermEngine (an intelligent dermatology software) to provide accessible, streamlined care.