The Complementing Nature Of AI In Dermatology

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 21, 2018

AI is driving the latest advancements in many fields, including dermatology. Despite the great ability of AI algorithms to perform complex tasks with similar accuracy as professional experts, the emotional and relational elements of human interaction render patient-doctor relationships imperative.

The DermEngine Team

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Skin Cancer Action Week: Empowering Patients & Doctors

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 20, 2018

It's National Skin Cancer Action Week in Australia. With 2 in 3 Australians diagnosed in their lifetime, it's important to educate people on the importance of skin cancer early detection. But where exactly are patients turning to seek medical support, and most importantly, are they receiving it?

Dermatology EMR Systems For Skin Cancer Early Detection: A New Era

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 19, 2018

Dermatology EMR system has become the rule rather than the exception in modern practices. However, challenges brought by increased skin health demands are shaping these systems into sophisticated cloud-based hubs able to provide efficient and accurate tools for skin cancer early detection.

Why Is Patient Engagement So Important And How Can It Be Achieved?

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 16, 2018

Patient engagement is identified as a major priority over the next 5 years for healthcare practices. However, an industry snapshot reveals that this fails to be the case. This article summarizes the importance of patient accessibility along with potential solutions such as teledermoscopy services.

Does Teledermoscopy Improve The Efficacy Of Teledermatology?

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 15, 2018

The utilization of telemedicine services has grown exponentially, particularly in underserved areas. Teledermatology has proved an efficient system to offer care with shorten waiting times, while the addition of teledermoscopy imaging can improve efficacy in the accuracy of the diagnostic process.

How Are Digital Health Technologies Changing The Dynamics Of Human Relationships?

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 14, 2018

With the increasing implementation of intelligent dermatology tools, the dynamic of healthcare relationships has forever been changed: patient-doctor, doctor-colleague, and (most ambiguously) doctor-technology. This article examines the three relationships and how this impacts quality of care.

Are Dermatology EMRs Passing The Efficacy Test?

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 13, 2018

Dermatology EMRs have brought many positive changes to data management and operative workflows. However, challenges about their ultimate efficacy still remain. Newly developed intelligent software are breaking barriers to achieve expected performance levels.