Improve Your Imaging Workflow By 80% With Smart Snap



Let Smart Snap Do The Heavy Lifting

After you capture your first image, Smart Snap will compare it to the patient’s existing images to recommend which spot it should be assigned to- just tap Assign. Rather than wasting time trying to find the correct spot, Smart Snap's Recommendation feature helps you locate it in a matter of seconds so your workflow can look like this:


1. Take dermoscopic image
2. Confirm spot profile
3. Take additional photos
Smart Snap GIF DermEngine


Did you Know...?

Smart Snap is only one piece of DermEngine's AI-based workflow

1. Enhance Workflow Efficiency
2. Improve Patient Outcomes
3. Increase Patient Engagement

To learn more about how DermEngine is using artificial intelligence to support medical professionals around the world for faster, smarter care, watch our video!

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